Hightech meets home

Hightech meets home

BEC Robotics in the image film of the district of Reutlingen!

High-tech meets home - and we are proud to be part of it! As an innovative company in the region, we are delighted to be part of the new image film of the district of Reutlingen.


The film shows what makes our region special: tradition and progress, cohesion and diversity, quality of life and innovation - a unique combination that makes the district of Reutlingen a strong and sustainable location.

Take a look and discover what makes our region so special - also thanks to a little robot magic.


#landkreisreutlingen #becrobotics #hightech #robotik #becrobotics

BEC Robotics has moved!

BEC Robotics has moved!

We have a new home! Since 01.01.2025 BEC Robotics can be found in Pfullingen:📍 BEC GmbHMarkstraße 19572793 PfullingenMore space for innovation,...

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Hightech meets home

Hightech meets home

BEC Robotics in the image film of the district of Reutlingen! High-tech meets home - and we are proud to be part of it! As an innovative company in...

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Semicon Europa / Electronica 2024

Semicon Europa / Electronica 2024

BEC Robotics and KUKA will be presenting innovative mobile automation solutions for semiconductor manufacturing at ELECTRONICA / SEMICON Europa 2024...

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